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Edit Data and Create New Curves

The Edit Data button in the Tools list brings up a dialog window which allows to examine and manipulate the TAC data of the current data set.

View Data Dialog

The upper section lists the different curves. The blood-related curves are at the top, then come the regional TACs. The arrows to the right can be used to change the TAC ordering, and a TAC can be removed by the x button.

The lower section lists the data of the selected curve. Shown for each sample are the acquisition start and end times, the measurement value (usually the VOI average), its standard deviation (the VOI stdv, if available), and the VOI volume. Note that the volume may vary if the VOI definition changes throughout the time course. The values of the tissue TACs can be interactively edited by clicking into a cell and changing the number.

The configuration button between the lists houses the following operations to modify TACs and generate new TACs which will be appended to the list.

Average Weighted by Volume

When several curves are selected, this button allows calculating the volume-weighted average TAC.


TAC averaging with equal weights.

Add noise

Creates a copy of the selected TACs and adds noise according to the definition defined in a dialog window.

Basic operations

Applies simple arithmetic operations to the values of the currently selected curves, and allows multiplying a curve by the values of an exponential function.

PKIN Basic Curve Operations

Curve by Curve operations

Arithmetic operations between the values of two selected TACs.


For renaming of the currently selected curve.

Edit volume

Change the volume of the selected TAC.

Trim times

Check for frame time overlaps of the selected TACs and correct.

Correct decay

Apply a decay correction to the selected TACs using the isotope of the study.

Uncorrect decay

Undo the effect of decay correction for the selected TACs using the isotope of the study.

Edit curve

Edit the data of the selected curve in a text editor as described below.

Append TAC from file

Opens a facility for appending regional TACs stored in a file. After selecting the file with Load TAC, the regions are listed so that the user may select a subset. With Ok, the regional curves are appended to the existing ones.


This entry is applicable only for the OLINDA Residence Times dosimetry model. It creates an input file to the OLINDA/EXM program.

Edit Curve