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The touch screen has 2 modes: Measurement and Configuration.

The Measurement mode displays the singles, the coincidences and the Coincidence Time. Data acquisition can be started with the green “play” button greenPlay in the lower right corner, and stopped again with the red “stop” button redStop


In the Configuration mode, several parameters are displayed and can be set:

  1. Network Configuration: the field displays the IP number, the subnet number and the MAC address
  2. The field Coincidence Time displays the chosen coincidence time
  3. The field Display Refresh Interval shows the refresh time of the singles and coincidences.


In the Network Configuration, the network properties are defined. The network connection can be defined manually or automatically:

  1. Manual: the IP Address and the Netmask are typed in manually.
  2. Automatic: DHCP, the IP address is requested from the network.


In the field Coincidence Time the coincidence time can be chosen. We recommend as default 100 ns.

In the field Display Refresh Interval the refresh interval for the singles and coincidences can be set. Longer display intervals reduce the temporal variation of the values. However, the rate at which the values are written to the acquisition file is defined in the PSAMPLE module.
